Mind obsessed
I was walking in the crowd with the others. I knew I was different because my thoughts were unlike theirs. I live and strive for a change that I want to deliver to this world. I want to live to see that happen. I know I'm empowered. I will give back what I took. The roughness that I showered with have been absorbed into my blood and I hope to give flowers that wil spread the fragrance of what I know. I don't what it is, it won't be words but my work. That shall be ma raison d'etre.
She is an angel of the night
And with her she brings the light
That has been so very bright
To let away that fright.
With her she brings the flowers
Whose fragrance can reach the towers
Of the dim and lonely hours
That cheers all, with her powers.
Her visions are of the drop of the water,
Her words are engraved and so graver,
Her voice is music ever so soother,
Her care is nothing less then a mother.
She cares nothing but for me
And her love is so heavenly,
If I ever wanted anything so dearly
Would have been a sister like thee.
Her tears are full of fears
Of the weight all she bears
Pushed in the shoe box
When the world to her, mocks.
Answers she to everyone
Fury in heart kept to burn
Yet she lets it all go
With her head raised so low.
Love she wants, love she gets
For a moment she always waits
To be free of all the cages
And just not to be on the edges.
It rests in my heart,
Don’t know where did it start.
Residing in some dark corner,
Now grown with all pride and honour.
It takes all what makes me smile
And pleases me with all worries a while.
I tell it not to follow
With triumph it resides in dark hollow.
Visions so blur, tears in vain,
So does now happiness refrain?
Tell why friends and foes are in me,
Fear of fear shall it be?
The pen and the paper are in the front
It is the ideas that I hunt.
When I sit to write,
No ideas seem so bright.
Longing for interesting thoughts,
Fades into the distraction of the lot.
In the library where I sit,
It is a place where ideas don’t knit.
I stare so hard till I penetrate their head
And yet nothing much can be led.
I sit aloof and nothing is learnt
When the pen and the paper are in the front.
The dark curtain is stretched
And now I feel so wretched
The sky has been so blue
The stars are only so few?
My friend, my star
Why are you so far?
As the time passes by
I can only sit and cry
Wish there was more
My love is to the core
My friend, my star
Why are you so far?
The moonlight seems so grave
Wish I could be so brave
To let you have gone
And wished to move on
My friend, my star
Why are you so far?
In the sky its you I admire
Then get stuck in the quagmire
Of the feelings that now take no delight
And suddenly nothing feels right.
My friend, my star
Why are you so far?
Now, done cannot be undone
Wish I was forgiven
Sometimes it gets late
As I know you cant always wait.
My friend, my star
Will you always be so far?
Effortless and high-speed access to internet through mobile phones and computers has made the man impatient, edgy and hungry for knowledge. No one has time to stop, to read and to enjoy. The busy life of man leaves him no time for leisure and hobbies. In this fast-paced world, knowledge is wider with little words. Somehow, words seem not as importance as they used to be. Books, newspapers, journals have taken a back-seat in this electronic-age. In America most major paper publications like the New York Times or the wall street Journal are having trouble surviving in face of the alternate media that is the internet. Cybernetic reading is displacing linear, closed, solitary reading. It is transforming the process of literary reading. The reader is continuously exposed to inter- textual ties and virtual ties of mass media and that of information technology. People, moreover kids today have short attention-spans. Long drawn out sentences, never ending paragraphs and detailed long description are not comprehensible to them. For example: Thomas Hardy. Hardy has a flair for the native lands and usually writes pages describing landscapes which is not appreciated by today’s reading audience. I mean, how do we relate? There are no landscapes left which we can see and admire their beauty!
Literature has faced uncountable changes ever since its existence. Passing through all the ages, it has flourished richly. In the age of cybernetics, literature has become an art form. It’s being redefined as per the needs of a younger population. Modern tools have helped literature become an equalizer between the haves and the have-not. SMS has created new room for urban quotations and poems. Stories can now be presented in 140 characters or less. No wonder we say the world is growing smaller. Flash fiction and micro-fiction have sidelined long elaborative patterns of writing. Earlier people used to spend hours in libraries searching and reading up on information for their answers and papers. Now, however all one needs to do is GOOGLE it! An entire world of information is accessible at the click of a mouse. The same is with dictionaries. Oxford, which was once considered the bible for literature students is no more that important. Almost all the mobile phones have dictionaries. And if not that, there is still the web. Software like Word web etc provides one with the meaning for almost all the words.
The ‘6 word novel’ is a new field for writers to experiment. “After she died, he came alive” by Rebecca James and “One gun, two shots, three dead” by Marcy are examples of a six word novel. This is a new fashion of writing which is challenging and creative. It may be easy to write a long, narrative and detailed novel but writing a novel as short as six words requires innovation. Hundred years back no one would have thought of writing a novel in six words. Mr. Dickens is definitely turning in his grave. Six word novels leave the reader curious and thoughtful. The meaning is also left to reader’s interpretation. It requires a lot of creativity and imagination... We are moving ever closer to the concept of the “Death of the Author”, that Roland Barthes had propounded. The text now has more and more “gaps” that makes it more and more “readerly” than “writerly”. Further Blogging sites have given opportunity to upcoming, amateur writers. They are getting more and more popular. Flash fiction too is an “in” thing. It has restricted words and the idea has to be flashy and catchy. The famous example is Aesop’s Fables. It is loved by all due to its concise form of writing and implied moral. Even famous writers like O’Henry, Ernest Hemingway, and Anton Chekov as flash fiction writers. Examples Twitter fiction refers to original, self-contained works of fiction in each tweet published by Twitter users. Twitter fiction is being classified into certain new literary genres, which are given new names by combining the name of the different genres with the name of the application. Therefore, Thrillers become Twillers, Haikus become Twaikus and Short Stories become Twistories or Twisters. Twitter has come about as a revolution. A television serial “SHIT MY DAD SAYS” which makes its CBS debut in September is based on a Twitter feed started by struggling comedy writer Justin Halpern in 2003, who captured his own father’s salty language and forthright observations. As an expression of postmodern literature, twitter fiction shares characteristics of micro-fiction (printed), such as brevity, multiple meanings and inter-textual ties.
Literature is also an art of writing; the above mentioned forms are not only new trends and ways of enhancing but also re-altering art. It has diverse, exigent and very spontaneous forms and unlike the conventional. It has gained immense popularity. It gives you the pleasure of knowledge and quenches your curiosity in small and controlled doses. It definitely creates new and different genres of literature. These forms have come in to acceptance because of their popular demand. These new and recent trends are unimaginable concepts from the point of view of anyone living a few decades ago. Blogging, twittering, micro blogging, 6 word novels, all of them are changing the trends of literature with regards to reading and writing. It’s giving opportunity to upcoming talent and is helping decentralize the processes of who gets to publish what in the world of literature.
Of course, these new trends are fascinating and interesting but, according to some literary purists, it is degrading the classics and the conventions of literature. Literary purists are put off by internet slang, which according to them gives rise to the abuse of language and superficiality. Especially on Twitter, for e.g.: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is: “Rich kid thinks everyone is fake except for his little sister. Has breakdown.” Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen has become: “Woman meets man called Darcy who seems horrible. He turns out to be nice really. They get together.” Dante's Inferno is boiled down to: "I'm having a midlife crisis. Lost in the woods. Should have bought my iPhone.” These are non-formal free form styles of writing and they often neglect grammatical errors, wrong use of vocabulary and have little respect for the great works of literature from which some of them copy. These are shorter than short stories, flashier than flash fiction and now they have become “Twititure. SMS and Facebook poetry have been claimed to have degraded the language, vocabulary, form and conventions of writing too. Urban words and slangs are becoming common to every mouth. To some, phrases like ‘ash hole’, ‘zombie Jesus’, ‘directionally challenged’, ‘pen you in’ don’t make sense. Nor do they consider it as any form of valid language.
Grammar is lost and has almost disappeared in today’s scenario. SMS languages have ruined the role of vocabulary and spelling. Spellings with missing vowels are now growing famous. The fast-paced life is short-lived for literature. No longer do many want to learn the details of any book, grammar or even poetry. Somehow, Classics are now growing old fashioned and boring. Anything that is short and interesting is definitely catchy for today’s generation. We want to know everything now! Who cares if it’s missing a comma or two or that it lacks in depth and research.
Lastly in cybernetic culture, hypertext may survive as an art form by offering pleasures of virtual immediacy, spontaneity, rich web of texts in various media and interactivity for the reader. Literature as a form of art, can be studied in depth; adding more weightage to the content. Otherwise the subject in itself is losing its importance and charm. Hypertext version can be the boon to revive Literature. For e.g. D.G. Rosetti’s “The Blessed Damozel” in its hypertext version will have the poem and the painting juxtaposed. Using zoom in and zoom out the student and/or reader can view the relevant sections of the painting and be able to relate better with the poem. How many times have we literature students heard the word “boring” being tagged along with our stream of study. The decisive moment of literary life will be that of reading. Mankind is beginning to understand how to dismantle and reassemble the most complex and unpredictable of all its machines: Language.
Earlier people used to write diaries but it has now become the talk of the “past”. Reliving memories through Facebook, twitter and other networking sites is a lot easier. Uploading of pictures on Facebook saves man from the tedious task of taking care of albums or preparing scrapbooks (Anyway there is no space to keep them!) All the friends have an access to the albums online and are free to add their comments on the pictures saving it till the account survives. Is it necessary?
Today’s world is far richer in words and concepts and signs than the world that surrounded primitive man. Far more people are getting involved, are taking part in the process or writing than ever before. The changing face of literature is an uncontrollable factor, whether it’s good or bad is undetectable and unknown.
To you I’ve to ask,
For you there is a task.
Do you have five minutes to spare,
If you really care?
Listen to me carefully,
I have written this dearly,
For you who is so lovely,
So that you know clearly,
To what I have to say precisely...
I have a story to narrate,
Hope I don’t irritate.
This guy I saw
Was with a puzzled jaw.
His brain is funny
And he is very geeky.
I met him a year back
And I got a heart-attack.
We were friends in the end,
Whose ideas rarely blend.
We met quite often
And we had loads of fun.
We heard out eachother,
Without this world to bother.
Seldom we noticed the change,
When our hearts ex-change.
He hinted me what he liked
And it was then I realized.
I asked him to confess
But he wasn’t sure of “YES”.
“You are the one I like” I said in his eyes
And then with no message, he ran in disguise.
With that broken heart he made me cry
And not to talk to him, I did try.
He was then sorry for his behavior
And then said to me, “I like you too dear”.
Months have passed by for us to be together,
I feel we are now made for eachother.
For you I write this from the beginning,
So you don’t forget this, when we reach the ending.
This is to whom I love
That is as pure as dove.
On the lonely path, in the night,
I walked with fear and of fright.
The star of my fate that I followed,
Under the moon-light that I borrowed.
Nothing to hold, nothing to talk and nothing to smile,
In the rough night I walked one another mile.
I cried till my eyes went dry,
Not to loose hope I did try.
Saw a flower in the brightness of the lune,
Trembling lips found rhythm to the tune.
With joy and glee, I grabbed,
With fear no more I moved ahead.
Blindly I follow the star of my fate,
Caring no more for the flower, the mate.
Its petals withered, when I ignore,
It trusted me completely and now no more.
To my star I stare and to me my flower,
Just like an admirer to its lover.
Night turned to dawn and faded all the stars away,
In my hand my dead flower lay.
Agony of desire turned into pity,
Not for the flower but for me.
Lost and found and lost again,
The star of my fate for it I was late then.
Left for neither but for pain,
In the search I lost again.