Taking pride in the knowledge
That I have accumulated,
I stand over the roof.
I look right, I look left.
My visions stretch over the thatched roofs,
Where people look so menial,
Diminutive and of lesser beings.
Lying out-stretched on
The ground and covered in the dust.
Their finger nails soiled in hard-labour
And every breath is breathed for survival.
A dog sleeps next to the man,
There is no shame.
They breathe the same air,
Walk on the same land
And they are under the same sky.
They both worry
For two meals a day.
They are kicked out like garbage
Or pitied by a passer-by.
Charity buys them luck
And sometimes sympathy.
A man in born naked,
He is still naked.
Naked of joys and pleasures,
Laughters and merriments.
He is filled with grieves and sorrows.
He is clothed with struggle and dust.
I see a child not more than fifteen,
Pushing the loaded cart,
Enduring his body to feed his family.
I see an infant unattended,
Left on the floor, wailing.
I see an old lady on the road,
Stretching out her alms and singing boons
To all who throws a penny at her.
I stand on the roof
And observe, and anticipate,
And visualize, and introspect,
And witness, and survey,
And imagine, and watch,
And watch and just watch
And taking pride in the knowledge
That I have accumulated.