Sunday, March 3, 2013

"Snap Out!"

That’s what you told me
And gave me a lock without a key.
You started seeing me as a piece broken
In which spots and faults grew often.

Dismissing your eyes, I did what you said,
Without much thinking, I drowned my head
Into terrorizing waterful bucket;
Glanced my reflection and said “**** it.”

Splashed, gasped, panted a while;
Weird was the feeling, then a smile.
“You know me not”, I whispered
In the mirror, soon the image went blurred.

I tried others too,
Options now left are few.
Slumbering myself for thoughts to escape,
Gulped down a bottle of dark stinky syrup.

At night, I watched that moon blue
And slept only an hour or two.
Druggy eyes, malfunctioned speech,
Hazy head in pain with screech.

Next in queue was alcohol
That wasn’t yours but my call.
Poured in the glass was only my drink
You do know how much I love to be on a brink.

Then came in my fancy and new attempt,
To smoke through the grass to avoid the contempt.
Ecstasy and euphoria was not so much a block,
When I spotted how crazy went the clock!

No instrument is devised to cure me of my pain,
Don’t understand why you struggle for me to contain.
You don’t know what this is all about.
If you can’t understand, don’t ask me to “Snap Out!”


  1. this is brilliant.. say what u must about ur condition but it improves ur writing en fold

  2. Amazing Jinxy... Good play wit the words there.. I'm impressed

  3. The toughest opponent to defeat is our self, you tried ways and means to get over the one within you.. the only place where you got the warmth is your blog.. your words have the power to define you..
    You have the right tactics to convert emotions and situations into words.. just how i convert caffeine to code!
