Monday, August 29, 2011

Sacking of Heart

It is difficult to convince my heart,

That it was you who tore it apart.

Wish we could have a new start.

Breaking-up is your new art.

You got rid of all my fears

And you left me with tears.

It just feels like years-

Just to be all yours.

Why are you leaving?

I have sinking feeling,

I don’t know my state of being.

Why is everything parting?

I had just to love you,

My demands were very few.

Now you ask for me a new,

Why do I feel so blue?

For years you loved me,

Now you are setting me free.

You dint ask where did I want to be,

Just too bad, weren’t we?

I wont be the same anymore.

It will be unlike before.

Now, I have shut the door,

As my heart is all sore.

But still, for you I will wait.

It is not you that I hate.

It is the play of the fate,

I am its favourite bait.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Loss of My Little Elf-man

Where did you go my little Elf-man?

Come back here as fast as you can.

I look here, I look there

No one here for me to care.

You slept next to me,

When we spoke last night.

Where could you be,

Now in this bright light?

Did that big teddy hit you?

Has the monster truck screw you?

I look out and stars are too few

Wish I could be there with you.

Come back, come back little Elf-man.

I sleep not, no stories to hear.

No Goldilocks and no Peter Pan

Without them I have lot to fear.

Shall I tell you how dear you are?

I don’t know how did you get so far?

I miss telling you about my day.

I do realise you are far away

Wish he was here now.

Looking out, waiting at the window.

Come back again little Elf-man.

Misses you a lot, your tearful Dan.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Building A Devil

The idle moment agonizes me,

Spending time is harder than money.

Ticking fingers on the table and

Looking at the clock on the wall

Been only a minute to pass by.

What is next? What is next?

A blade in my hand and

Blood on the floor.

Whose can it be?

No. Not mine.

I will walk over,

No one shall ever know.

I go. I went. Mind seeks home.

Down the hall, up the stairs.

I looked in the mirror.

Stain of blood and stench of evil,

But there was no misery in the eyes.

Were they mine?

Blood-stained design

All over the wall.

I laughed out loud,

I fell on the floor.

Watching the ceiling,

I was raised up to my feet.

Stripping off the remains,

Shame, guilt and fear had unwrapped before.

Under the shower, in cold

A tingling feeling held me close

I let off my sanity go.

I could meet eyes with my Maker.

He shall fear my courage now.

I walk in the room and

Hold that blade. A look at the clock.

It was the time again.

Anger resided and revenge sought me.

A merciless play I enjoyed.

Bloody floor beneath me.

Guilt-free smile on my face.

Licking the blood off the blade,

An unnatural high I receive.

Moving to the home of my deceivers.

Becoming the Devil what you wanted

I, now, stand here over your body.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Birthday Wish

Happy birthday to you
and you enter a year new.
let the sorrows be so few
and let the joy be too.
allow me to tell that
i have never been so glad.
to have my life sweetened
with you as my lovely friend.
i dont know how would it be
if i would not have met thee.
what could i ask more
have been given so much before.
my love, you are special to me
your birthday brings joy and merry.
Happy birthday to you, baby
you are the best creation of almighty

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Since standard first onwards we are exposed to grammar. We are primarily introduced to nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs. Then, we keep on learning them in depth and add more to it a year by year. The active life in studies turns passive by solving more and more sentences each year. Teachers directly and indirectly help us to improve. Yet, there is no transformation in the language; we are interrogated in exams and our teachers exclaims while evaluating. The positive marks turns negative and we on the other hand are still amazed, “How so?”

Four years after school, I took up Literature as my majoring subject. Once again I was being exposed to grammar, as a separate paper. Knowing this, “Oh no!” was my first reaction. I realised that Mrs. Usha Subramanian is going to take our grammar lectures. I also knew that she was meticulous, stern with her attendance, sarcastic when she feels if we are not working hard and very difficult to please. So, it was very important for me to remain in her good books all throughout (I still don’t know if I achieved that.)

Barely did I know that grammar rules over the years had changed. What was an adjective for us was now an enumerator, what was an article was also used as a determiner and an endless list of pronouns did confuse my poor brain. So, it did take me a couple of months to figure out what it all meant. I contemplated if I was a right candidate for literature majors.

My first session of TYBA grammar was a rendez-vous with the memories of my language class in school. I clearly remember my grammar teacher, Mrs. Bharti Phanse who made us write “did+ present tense” hundred times if we made an error while speaking like, “I did spoke to him.” It sounds absurd now, that time it didn’t. She tried her best and punished us severely for every single mistake. That only helped us through the exam, not practically. We were some bunch of hooligans to be taught. So, those punishments made no severe impact on our speech.

Now, thanks to Mrs. Subramanian who helped us learning grammar and solving every doubt. Her methods helped in grooming my sentence formations. Eventually, words, phrases and clauses became crucial. Knowing how scoring the paper is, I started to strive hard and attain maximum marks. Each day would not pass by without me practising or at least revising.

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. ~Albert Einstein

I didn’t know if this holds true and I don’t claim that I m smart either. But this is what I did. I just stayed with my sentences for a longer a duration. During my exams, I solved each question paper over three times. That gave me enough of confidence to attempt my exams fearlessly.

Grammar was one thing I had become dedicated to, by the end of the year. Not only because it was scoring, but also it gave me a different kind of high. With every complicated sentence that I solved, I attained euphoria. I don’t think five years back I would have ever dreamt of solving or learning grammar all over again. Now that I teach same grammar that I learnt in school to my students, I realised where I went wrong.

I realised how Wren and Martin is “treasurable” book and Geoffrey Leech, Margaret Deuchar and Robert Hoogenhard’s grammar books’ SPOCA (subject, predicate, object, complement and adverbial) structure is an unforgettable experience. I shall never forget in my life the verb "be" is always followed by a complement.

He conquers who endures. ~Persius

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Examination Hall

A silent classroom,

The monotonous whirring of the fan,

A perfect recipe

To lull one to sleep.


I must not sleep.

This is a supervision duty

To supervise those who

Don't need supervision

And so

I keep myself awake

Pacing up and down

While the students look up

And wonder--

Whatever happened to the teacher?


When did this zombie

Suddenly appear?!


They stare into space,

Trying to remember

That one word

That one line

So crucial to the answer.

Jay writes on and on

While Jinal takes a rest

Before she buckles down again.

Rachita and Gandhar

Seek inspiration and divine intervention!

The light of knowledge

Shines upon them

And the writing starts

All over again.

Ankita has a little bite from her snack box

All this----

For inspiration- you see.

Bushra and Disha

Wish they had more comfortable chairs

They could have a snooze


A long languid stretch will have to do.

Palak, Madhuri and Anushri

Are as focused as one can be

With eyes rolling in tandem.

Trisha smiles into her paper

Telling the world

This is a piece of cake.

While Nirali

Embodies the spirit of the class

Writing and

Dare I say it-

Looking at me for inspiration.

A motley group of people,

They and me,

Caught in a trap



[ A poem written by my teacher Mrs. Anita Phillips while she supervised during our exam. thank you ma'am for everything]