Friday, December 28, 2012

Wishes From the Dark Waters

Dear Mommy,

I am your daughter,
I want mother and father.

I want to breathe, love and grow,
And I want to walk on my toe.

Let me enjoy the sweet flowers, monsoon showers and warm sunlight,
And allow me to grow without fear and fright.

Let me sleep in your arms and listen to your sweet voice,
And want to play with many, many toys.

Inside your tummy, I’m waiting
For all the joys and love you bring.
Don’t reject me, don’t hate me, don’t kill me
As I want to be alive and be free.

Your unborn girl.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Deep Running Waters

Her lids fall heavily like they were carrying mountain
Her drugged eyes open with same pain
To look at the face she adored that day
With whom she had started the play.

Like two floating bodies in the water
Mesmerized - without the world to bother,
Creating billows in cold winter air
With the stagnant furtive glare.

Swirling, swerving, twirling
The oceans’ center within.
Two converging bodies create
Some vehement current.

The silent waters beneath
Dance with the tempestuous feat
Caused by two wildlings
In mid-winter mornings.

When passion was washed away on bed,
Slept in arms of the other, all cared.
With her last gaze, she sneaked away
In his peaceful sleep there he lay.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Spectacle

The wind outside couldn’t have been more kinder,
They whistled more wildly now than before.
The moon too, came out from the shadow of clouds
And witnessed whatever it could have.
The stars now shone so brightly
That the sky glimmered as a wedding gown.
Even the night resisted to fade,
And dawn seemed like a distant dream.
The silence of that lonely street
Was adapted from hers.

It was hers…

No one responded to
Her shrieks and her yells,
Her cries and her screeches,
Her squalls and her squeals…

Her body lay still,
Frozen but not dead,
Wounded but not dead,
Damaged but not dead,
Harmed yet not dead.

That supreme soul who inflicted the pain
Had no mercy to kill her.
He repeatedly, shoved his impotence
Between her thighs.
But when that wasn’t enough
He ruined her eternity and ejaculated his humanity.

The silent eyes watched her
All collapsed,
All decomposed,
All naked.

She took what she got,
So the silence was all hers…